Un weekend dedicato a Gothic
1 gen 2024Il nostro team si è riunito lo scorso settembre in due pittoresche località tedesche vicino a Colonia, accompagnato da un tempo fantastico. Quel fine settimana ci ha riportato al Medioevo, ha fatto riaffiorare i ricordi di quando giocavamo a Gothic e ci ha riuniti.
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More than a texture patch? (Part 7)
31 lug 2022This part is about a new feature of the Gothic Reloaded Mod, which is still in development: The times of day and the weather.
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More than a texture patch? (Part 6)
25 lug 2022The sixth part will be about lighting in Gothic - about light, shadow and colour.
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Do you know...? #001 Gothic Reloaded Mod
8 mag 2021We were guests of Christian and Felix, who run the podcast "Start the game already!".
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More than a texture patch? (Part 5)
2 apr 2021This part is not about a graphical but an acoustic aspect of the Gothic Reloaded Mod.
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More than a texture patch? (Part 4)
2 apr 2021The fourth part of this series is about a feature that the Gothic Reloaded Mod will introduce: the fog zones.
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More than a texture patch? (Part 3)
2 apr 2021In this part of the series we will go into more detail about how the color of a pixel is described and how transparent pixels are represented in Gothic as well as what doesn't work so well.
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More than a texture patch? (Part 2)
2 apr 2021In the second part of this series, we will look at the problems that arise when rendering textures in three-dimensional space and their solutions.
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More than a texture patch? (Part 1)
2 apr 2021In this series of articles, technical details of the Gothic Reloaded Mod will be explained clearly. Therefore, the first part will introduce some basic terms of computer graphics.
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What does an atmosphere consultant do?
1 apr 2021A look behind-the-scenes at the most unusual role in our team.
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